Thomas Campbell
Years in prison:
Year of crime:
Year conviction was overturned:

Mr Campbell was convicted of two offences relating to “ice cream wars” in Glasgow. First, for attempted murder for shooting at Andrew Doyle’s car, and second for murder following the deaths of Andrew Doyle and five family members in a fire that was alleged to be started over a “turf war.” Petrol had been poured in the home of the Doyle family and set alight. Evidence from a leading psychologist cast doubt on a confession made by Mr. Campbell, noting it was unlikely the four officers detaining him would have identical recall of his statement.
< Back to Case Search < Back to Overview Graph- Offence: Murder
- Jurisdiction: Scotland
- County: Lanarkshire
- Ethnicity: White
- Gender: M
- Years in prison: 16
- Offence convicted of: Murder
- Year of crime: 1984
- Year of initial conviction: 1984
- Year conviction was overturned: 2004
- Affirmative evidence of innocence: Y
- Age when imprisoned: 31
- CCRC Referral: Y
- Tried with others: Y
- Link to full case:
- Type of fresh evidence at appeal: Evidence undermining the reliability of a confession
- Compensation: Yes
- Link to compensation:
- Crown argued case at CofA: Yes
- Retrial: No
- Previous appeals: Two unsuccessful appeals