Stephen McCaul
Years in prison:
Year of crime:
Year conviction was overturned:
Stephen McCaul was convicted of terrorism-related charges based on a confession when he was 16. McCaul. He was questioned for 52 hours without a lawyer or an independent adult present. The trial judge discounted evidence on suggestibility of McCaul, instead relying on evidence from the police. McCaul, who was found by a consultant psychiatrist to have a mental age of 7, began a legal challenge to his conviction but died before his appeal was heard. His father continued his appeal, and the conviction was quashed since the absence of a solicitor or independent adult was said to “give rise to real concerns about the reliability of the admissions.”
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< Back to Case Search < Back to Overview Graph- Offence: Robbery / burglary
- Jurisdiction: Northern Ireland
- County: Unknown
- Ethnicity: White
- Gender: M
- Years in prison: 1.5
- Offence convicted of: Arson, burglary, carrying a firearm with intent, hijaking, possession of firearms
- Year of crime: 1979
- Year of initial conviction: 1979
- Year conviction was overturned: 2012
- Age when imprisoned: 16
- Age when released: 17-18
- CCRC Referral: Y
- Post Office Case: N
- Tried with others: Y
- Link to full case:
- Type of fresh evidence at appeal: Evidence undermining the reliability of a confession
- Compensation: No
- Link to compensation:
- Crown argued case at CofA: No
- Retrial: No
- Previous appeals: Unknown