Patrick Zengeya
Years in prison:
Year of crime:
Year conviction was overturned:
Patrick Zengeya was arrested in connection with the use of stolen credit cards to pay for the transportation of a car from England to South Africa. He had agreed an offer from a man called Ali Usman, so that Usman (who owed him money) would pay shipping costs. An investiation found that the police officer investigating failed to disclose certain important points of evidence relating to Usman, a key prosecution witness, which should have been put before a jury. His witness statement was misleading as he said Usman was interviewed in relation to unconnected offences, whereas his records show that he was also interviewed as a suspect.
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< Back to Case Search < Back to Overview Graph- Offence: Other
- Jurisdiction: England & Wales
- County: Greater Manchester
- Ethnicity: Black
- Gender: M
- Years in prison: 0.75
- Offence convicted of: Attempting to obtain services by deception
- Year of crime: 2001
- Year of initial conviction: 2001
- Year conviction was overturned: 2009
- Age when imprisoned: 28
- CCRC Referral: Y
- Tried with others: N
- Link to full case: Not available
- Type of fresh evidence at appeal: Evidence relating to the reliability of witness testimony
- Compensation: Unknown
- Crown argued case at CofA: No
- Retrial: No
- Previous appeals: Unsuccessful application for leave to appeal in 2001