Nadeem Aslam

Years in prison:
Year of crime:
Year conviction was overturned:

Nadeem Aslam was convicted of the rape of his wife. Mr Aslam and his wife had married in Pakistan and she had come to live with him in the UK at his mother’s flat. They had two sons. The complainant said that Aslam and his family forced her to go to Dubai. He wanted a break and said that she must leave the country or would divorce her, and made threats relating to their two sons. When she returned from Dubai he was violent and she was taken to a Women’s refuge. In her evidence she described the rough and violent way that Aslam had forced himself on her during the marriage. On appeal, new evidence was introduced from two witnesses who said that the complainant had admitted to them that she had lied at the trial. One witness stated that the complainant had said she had no option to lie to get the appellant into trouble: she wanted to stay with her kids. Another witness said that the complainant had admitted that she made up the accusation and had sent him to prison. In addition, new evidence was introduced from a worker at the Women’s Refuge. She said that something wasn’t right about the complainant’s comments and seemed strongly motivated by the desire to get Aslam out of the way. The court concluded that the new evidence suggested the complainant had made a false accusation, and found the conviction to be unsafe on that basis.

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  • Offence: Sexual offences
  • Jurisdiction: England & Wales
  • County: Greater Manchester 
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: M
  • Years in prison: 3
  • Offence convicted of: Multiple Counts of Rape
  • Year of crime: 2007-2009
  • Year of initial conviction: 2010
  • Year conviction was overturned: 2014
  • Age when imprisoned: 42
  • CCRC Referral: N
  • Post Office Case: N
  • Tried with others: N
  • Link to full case:
  • Type of fresh evidence at appeal: Evidence relating to the reliability of complainant testimony
  • Compensation: Unknown
  • Crown argued case at CofA: Yes
  • Retrial: No
  • Previous appeals: Unknown