Mayuran Seevaratnam
Years in prison:
Year of crime:
Year conviction was overturned:
2011 (first successful appeal in 2007 but convicted at retrial)
Mayuran Seevaratnam was convicted of murder of Sellathurai Balasingham (Bala). His conviction was quashed when evidence cast doubts on the reliability of a co-defendant and witness in the case (who gave evidence following a guilty plea and had a motive for giving evidence against the other defendants).
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< Back to Case Search < Back to Overview Graph- Offence: Murder
- Jurisdiction: England & Wales
- County: Surrey
- Ethnicity: Asian
- Gender: M
- Years in prison: 8
- Offence convicted of: Murder
- Year of crime: 2003
- Year of initial conviction: 2004
- Year conviction was overturned: 2011 (first successful appeal in 2007 but convicted at retrial)
- Age when imprisoned: Unknown
- CCRC Referral: N
- Post Office Case: Yes
- Tried with others: Y
- Link to full case: (2007 decision)
- Type of fresh evidence at appeal: Evidence relating to the reliability of witness testimony
- Compensation: Unknown
- Crown argued case at CofA: Yes
- Retrial: Yes
- Previous appeals: Previous appeal successful in 2007, convicted at retrial in 2008.