Billy Allison

Years in prison:
Year of crime:
Year conviction was overturned:

Steven Johnson and Billy Allison were convicted of beating Andrew Forsyth to death. An eyewitness said he had met with Stephen on Friday 3rd November, who had said he and Billy had given Forsyth a “tanking.” On this basis, the police decided Forsyth was killed on 3rd November. They refused to accept evidence that might counter this, did not follow up enquiries into witnesses who claimed to have seen Forsyth after the 3rd, and did not pass on evidence relating to the date of the death to the Crown Prosecution Service. The police were found to have surpressed evidence pointing to the deceased’s having been alive after 3rd November. The convictions were quashed on the basis that the evidence relating to the date of death was so significant that it meant the men had suffered a miscarriage of justice.

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